Content x Community

To get the most out of your social media, it’s essential to align content and community management. This way, you’re not only creating content that your audience truly enjoys, but you’re also increasing their engagement with your brand. And that’s precisely the path we’ve taken for DAF.

Full speed ahead

With our always-on & community management strategy, we focus on truck enthusiasts and their passion for DAF. Our creatives are briefed based on insights from the community. Thanks to the short lines of communication between the community and creation, we produce content that perfectly aligns with the interests of our target audience.

DAF in the Spotlight

This approach has led to a significant boost in DAF’s community engagement. Daily enthusiasm about trucks is met with humour and understanding. By providing sharp and relevant responses to content, we are building a strong, loyal fanbase for DAF. This contributes to a positive brand experience and positions DAF at the heart of the community.