Design by Gerda x Sonos

Gerda from accounting wanted to boost the popularity of the community phenomenon Gerda (from accounting) and give her a more prominent role. In 2019, Gerda responded for the first time in the name of on social media. Since then, she has been in daily contact with her fans to answer the most diverse questions. In 2020, Gerda won ‘The Best Social Award’ for Best Community Management with her outspoken opinion and razor-sharp comments. Gerda’s popularity is unprecedented, but her loyal fans wanted more…


Inspired by all the products that she finds in the webshop every day, Gerda launched her own product line: Design by Gerda. She transformed a Sonos speaker set into a work of art that would not be out of place in any home. Her love for cats is incorporated into the design, therefore it is not entirely coincidental that the first set was launched on animal day.

Prior to the launch we teased the target group via Instagram Stories by letting them know that Gerda is hatching big plans. Following this anticipation, the set was revealed to the community (again via Instagram Stories). The exclusive speaker set was not for sale, but could only be won by loyal fans via the Instagram account.


The fans were extremely enthusiastic. With one third of the advertising budget, twice as many applications were received as with previous giveaways, making this’s best giveaway ever!

  • Best giveaway from ever
  • Twice as many entries to a win promotion
  • More than 4000 creative responses

Curious what we can do for your brand? Do not hesitate to contact us!